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How to Make a Powerpoint 2013 Presentation Loop TUTORIAL

How to Make a Powerpoint 2013 Presentation Loop

How to add a looping introduction to a PowerPoint presentation

How to add a looping introduction to a PowerPoint presentation

To prime your audience for the chief event, run a preview or welcome slide while the oversupply arrives.

Image: Getty Images/iStockphoto

Displaying an introductory or welcome slide while your audience arrives for a presentation is common. While the audience enters the room and finds a seat, they may chat with ane another, help themselves to refreshments, or sit quietly and wait for the testify. The i-slide introduction that says welcome and displays pretty flowers is quaint, just information technology won't grab anyone's attending equally they enter the room, and it certainly won't keep anyone'southward interest while they expect. Instead, catch their attention from the moment they walk through the door with an introductory presentation that introduces you and/or your presentation'due south purpose—call it a mini presentation if you like. That way, you'll have the attention and interest of your audience before y'all fifty-fifty begin.

I'm using Role 365 PowerPoint (desktop) on a Windows ten 64-bit system, but yous can utilize an earlier version. This technique can't be created in the browser edition. You can work with your ain presentation or download the .pptx and .ppt demonstration files.

See: Choosing your Windows 7 exit strategy: Four options   (Tech Pro Research)

Setting information technology upwardly

This technique uses two shows—the preview and the master presentation–but you'll store them as 1. You command when your audition sees both.

It doesn't thing where you place the introductory slides within the main presentation. At the beginning makes sense—that's what nosotros'll practice–but it isn't necessary. If slide numbering matters, place your introductory slide as the stop. Use as many introductory slides as needed simply keep information technology to a minimum. The betoken is to present material that will interest the audience and enhance your programme.

Once you've created the main presentation, add together introductory slides. Your presentation, if run, would display the introductory slides so the presentation. That's not what you lot want; yous desire the presentation to repeat the introductory slides without advancing to the principal presentation until you're set up.

I'yard using the school project presentation provided by PowerPoint as a demonstration file. Equally you lot tin can run across in Figure A, I've changed the beginning two slides a scrap; these two slides, slides one and 2, represent our introduction. Slides 3 through vii stand for our principal presentation. (I've not changed the remaining slides.)

Identifying the introduction slides

We at present have two presentations in ane. To control them as 2 separate shows, we'll commencement place the introductory slides. To practise so:

  1. In Slide Sorter, select the slides in the introduction—slides 1 and 2. To do then, hold down the Shift key while clicking both.
  2. Click the Transition slide. In the Timing group, uncheck On mouse click, and click After. Enter the number of seconds y'all want to intermission betwixt slides—iii (Figure B).
  3. Click the Slide Show tab, and then click Prepare Upward Slide Testify in the Prepare group.
  4. In the resulting dialog, bank check Loop continuously until 'Esc' in the Show options section.
  5. In the Show slides section, enter one and 2 for the From and To settings (slides 1 and 2).
  6. Make sure to check the Using timings, if present option in the Advance slides section (Figure C) and click OK.
Effigy B: Decide how to advance the introductory slides.
Figure C: Choose the looping option.

If y'all play the presentation every bit is, it plays slides 1 and two continuously, never advancing to the primary presentation. Next, we'll create a custom slide show with the remaining slides.

Name the master presentation

We've identified slides ane and ii as the introduction. At present, let's identify the chief presentation past create a custom slide prove equally follows:

  1. Click the slide Show tab, click Custom Slide Testify in the Start Slide Prove grouping, and so cull custom Shows.
  2. Click New in the resulting dialog.
  3. In the Ascertain Custom Show dialog, enter Main Presentation in the Slide show name command.
  4. Check slides 3, 4, 5, half dozen, and 7 in the left list. Then, click Add to re-create those slides to the Slides in custom show list to the right (Figure D). PowerPoint will renumber them, but don't worry nearly that.
  5. Click OK and then click Close.

At this point, you have two slides that loop, slides one and ii, and a custom slide show named Main Presentation that contains v slides (slides 3 through 7). Right now, you tin't go from the looping intro to the main presentation.

How to beginning the main presentation

Once your audience is ready, you'll want to offset the principal presentation. Equally yet, at that place's no way to do so. To that end, we'll add an action button to slide 2 that starts the main presentation. Outset, switch to Normal view. Then, select the last slide in the introduction, slide ii. To add the action button, do the following:

  1. Click the Insert tab, click Shapes (in the Illustrations group), and so choose a shape from the Activeness Buttons at the bottom of the dropdown. Specifically, choose the 2nd from the left, Become Forward or Next.
  2. Click on the slide where you want to position the push.
  3. In the resulting dialog, you lot'll assign an activeness by choosing Custom Show from the Hyperlink to dropdown (Figure E). Don't choose Next Slide, fifty-fifty though information technology seems to make sense. Doing so volition display the next slide in the introduction—slide 1—non the next slide in sequence.
  4. In the next dialog, choose Main Presentation (Effigy F).
  5. Click OK twice to render to Normal view.

Figure F: Place the custom slide show, which is the main presentation.


At this point, you're done. Notwithstanding, you might desire to brand the action push button invisible as follows:

  1. With the activeness button nevertheless selected, click the Format tab. And then click the dialog launcher for the Shapes Styles group.
  2. In the resulting pane, click Fill to display more than options. Ready the Transparency option to 100%.

That was easy, wasn't it? Just don't forget where the action push is. Yous can copy the button to slide 1 if y'all want the selection of starting the presentation from either introductory slide. This is less important when y'all have only a few slides in the introduction. If you have several, consider copying the activity button to all the slides or every other slide so yous can quickly start the presentation regardless of which slide is up.

Evidence'southward on!

All the difficult work is done. Simply printing F5 to run the show. PowerPoint will loop through slides 1 and 2. When you're ready to start the presentation, click the (hidden) action push button on slide two. Because the action button specifies a custom prove and not a specific slide, PowerPoint will render to the first slide in that show, slide 3 (slide one in the custom bear witness) when you exit the final slide, slide vii. It won't return to slides one and 2 in the introduction.

You can keep your audience mildly entertained or grab their interest early with a short introductory presentation. Let the slides loop until you're ready to begin the main presentation.

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I answer readers' questions when I can, but in that location's no guarantee. Don't send files unless requested; initial requests for help that go far with attached files volition exist deleted unread. You can ship screenshots of your data to help clarify your question. When contacting me, be as specific equally possible. For example, "Please troubleshoot my workbook and ready what's wrong" probably won't get a response, but "Tin can you tell me why this formula isn't returning the expected results?" might. Please mention the app and version that you're using. I'm not reimbursed by TechRepublic for my time or expertise when helping readers, nor practice I ask for a fee from readers I aid. You can contact me at

Run across also

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How to Make a Powerpoint 2013 Presentation Loop TUTORIAL

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